Watch our brand new VIP video created by our own staff team - it's what Movie House is all about: entertainment, relaxation, safety and family. Most of all, we are local! And we are here for you. We're helping to keep you safe and enjoy your Movie House visit.
What’s VIP?
VIP screens have super comfy electric reclining seats. Every seat in these screens is a VIP recliner!
No Extra Fee?
Yes! At Movie House we offer all our seats for the same cost – so unlike some cinemas, you won’t pay any extra.
Do all Movie House Cinemas offer VIP?
Yes! All screens at Glengormley and Maghera are now VIP. At Cityside/Yorkgate and Coleraine, we offer a mix of VIP and Classic seating.
How Do I Book?
VIP Seating is clearly marked next to the showtimes on the website.

Auditorium Seating Plans
All VIP shows are allocated so simply choose your seat when booking. When selecting your seat, please be mindful of the back and front of the Auditorium which are clearly marked on our Seating Plans (the Screen is at top of plan and the back wall is at the bottom of the Plan), so make sure that you have the location you really want. Wheelchair Spaces are marked in blue and are a space not an accessible seat.

How do I get my tickets?
We encourage all tickets to be booked in advance. When you book in advance, just bring your Booking Collection Code (this will have been sent to you in your confirmation email on the day you made your booking - check your spam/junk folder if you haven’t received it) by printing it at home or displaying the QR code on your phone for scanning on arrival.
If you have any issues collecting your tickets, just speak to a duty manager in the foyer.
You can also purchase tickets on your visit, subject to availability.